Prevention and cure of Obesity

If you want to prevent obesity you need to have a healthy and balance diet. Make healthy food choices, be sure of the portion size of your food. Have fun physical activities and less educational entertainment(social chatting, gaming) with others. Keep track of your weight, body mass index and waist circumference also the growth of children.

Normally the best cure for obesity is exercising it takes time continuously. It will slowly burn fats till you are fit and be sure to have a health diet with lesser food intake. Mostly stress is the most common disease it also intend stressed people to eat more or take in more sugar. To be fit is not only eating less, but children needs to eat because they are growing and not greasy or fatty food or too much food intake.

Everyone needs a balance diet to be fit together with exercising to be strong and healthy. A balance diet includes healthy, food intake and food cravings. Fit is to take control of yourself by your food intake and food cravings. Starting by taking all junk food away from your sight and buy healthy food for example fruits

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